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Or you might like to read some of our key articles about Start to Stir:
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Beginners guide one
Why is it so difficult to share faith?
In our ministry to youth outside the church, we grew tired of answering questions nobody was asking. We felt like giving up. Why was everyone so indifferent to God?
As we searched for clues, we finally understood why we felt so stuck and found that we were not alone.
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Beginners guide two
Should we try a new starting point?
As we reached out into our schools and community, we felt that unless we found a different way to present the gospel, we could not keep going.
We finally learned the questions people today are asking and the way they decide what answers ring true.
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Beginners guide three
How Do We Stir Curiosity?
We wondered if we could stimulate spiritual interest by helping our teenagers experience their soul in action. We experimented by stirring up several emotions and longings, called attention to them as spiritual and highlighted the desire to connect with Someone greater.
It sparked curiosity and we were soon starting by stirring.
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Beginners guide four
Simply helping people to become aware of their true spiritual nature was not enough. It was only a starting point. We had to learn how to use this awareness to introduce them to God, help them encounter Jesus and then invite them to make a faith commitment.
Could this new approach actually work?
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